Why Listening Is a Critical Skill for Leaders

Why Listening Is a Critical Skill for Leaders

  When you instill a discipled way of thinking into your employees, they are better able to express their ideas. For example, by teaching members of your company to use the process of solving, defining, measuring, identifying and controlling, you are teaching...
How to Keep Remote Teams Engaged

How to Keep Remote Teams Engaged

It is no secret that remote teams are becoming more and more common in the workforce. But managing a remote team can be tricky, especially when it comes to keeping employees engaged during the workday. Remote employees can start to feel isolated and unproductive if...
How to Create a Well Balanced Company Culture

How to Create a Well Balanced Company Culture

There is no “one-size-fits-all” solution to creating a thriving company culture. Some successful cultures are relaxed, while others are rigorous. Some cultures focus on the worker’s happiness while others only look at the big picture.   However,...
How to Deal with Night Shift Schedules

How to Deal with Night Shift Schedules

While working in the medical field, there may be times where you’re scheduled to work a night shift. Whether that’s what you prefer or are covering for a coworker, everyone is bound to work nights at some point in their career. Working at night can be challenging for...
How Healthcare Leaders Can Encourage Employee Development

How Healthcare Leaders Can Encourage Employee Development

Employee development in healthcare is essential for a variety of reasons. Whether it’s to stay abreast of new developments in technology or to improve upon professional skills, leaders in healthcare must make continuous learning a priority. Doing so can boost...