Doctors specialize in various fields to enrich the medical field. Doctors focus on organs, gender, immunity, age, and various diseases like cancer. Types of doctors include the following:


Oncologists: These are doctors that focus on cancer and its treatment. Oncologists have training in multiple cancer treatment steps that include specific treatment and related health problems.

Orthopedics: Orthopedic doctors specialize in diseases impacting bone, joints, and muscles. They treat patients involved in accidents, sports injuries, or those infected with conditions that affect the bones.

Neurologists: Neurologists specialize in the nervous system. They focus on the brain, nerves, and spinal cord. Neurologists treat strokes, tumors, Alzheimer’s, spinal cord diseases, and even musculoskeletal disorders.

Gynecologists: Gynecologists specialize in women’s hygiene and health. There are two types of Gynecologists: those who focus on reproductive health and those who focus on pregnancy, the latter referred to as obstetricians.

Pediatricians: A Pediatrician’s primary focus is on children up to the age of 21. They are well-versed in children’s anatomy and the different treatment regimes that work for the child.

Ophthalmologists: Also called eye doctors. Ophthalmologists specialize in various eye conditions and can perform eye surgeries and treatment. They treat diseases like glaucoma, diabetic retinopathies, and vision deterioration among others.

Anesthesiologists: Anesthesiologists are doctors that monitor the vitals of a patient under anesthesia during procedures like childbirth or surgery. They ensure no complications arise related to anesthesia during the surgery. This specialty is growing in complexity and taking on more responsibilities. Anesthesiologists can even specialize in pain medicine to treat those with chronic pain conditions.

Cardiologists: They are heart and vessel experts who focus on curbing heart attack, heart failure, high blood pressure. Patients see a cardiologist for any heart questions or research that involves understanding the heart better.

Dermatologists: Dermatologists focus on the skin; they help patients take care of their skin, both internally and externally, and treat eczema conditions.

Gastroenterologist: They specialize in the digestive organs. Are you having a problem with your digestive organs, eating, swallowing, or ingesting food? Then these are the experts to visit for abdominal pains or cancers in the digestive system.

Plastic surgeons: Are also called cosmetic surgeons. They focus on the repair of skin and external organs like breasts, hips, abdomen, face, and other cosmetic conditions. Plastic surgeons help with body reconstruction in case of accidents or abnormal growth or for those who want to improve their looks.


Different doctors handle various ailments and knowing the difference enables you to seek health from the right expert who can diagnose and treat extensively.
